You can use the longitudinal outlier analysis section to consider change in unit and network performance for the following measures;
Antenatal steroids; Temperature on admission; Consultation with parents; ROP screening; Antenatal magnesium sulphate; Breastmilk feeding at discharge;
Two-year follow-up.
Note that for networks, results are presented based on network configuration in the last year of the three year period. For example, in the 2016-2018 longitudinal chart, results for 2016 and 2017 are presented based on 2018 network configuration. This means that there may be a difference between network results for 2016 and 2017 in the 2016-2018 chart when compared to the 2015-2017 chart.
For more information about longitudinal data analysis, please see the NNAP statistical analysis plan, available from: