Annual Reports
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Unit Posters
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Select from the criteria below to generate a poster for a selected unit and year.
Note that due to changes in measure definition and methodology, including the method used for case mix adjustment, not all years are directly comparable and year-on-year comparisons should be made with caution. More information can be found in the FAQs, and for full information about the NNAP methodology, please see the NNAP Methodology and Statistical Analysis Plan, available at: www.rcpch.ac.uk/work-we-do/clinical-audits/nnap/data-flow
This poster contains the basic results for your selected unit in A3 poster format. Choose a year and a unit
This poster provides an opportunity to respond to a unit's NNAP results as set out in poster 1 by both highlighting successes and indicating the actions that are being implemented to address areas that still require improvement.
Click on the "download pdf of poster 2" link below to access the poster. Once you have opened the document you can enter text of your choice in the space under "What we are doing in response to our NNAP results:"
You can then save the edited document to your files and update it whenever you feel that it is necessary to do so.
The parent & carer guide to the annual report goes into more detail about the measures highlighted in the unit poster and is designed to be used alongside the poster.